Sunday, September 20, 2009


Well, it's on the way, no doubt, even though the temps are still around eighty. It's a cloudy, dark, cool and humid Sunday morning in Fairview, Tennessee. I'm in the kitchen looking out the big french windows at the silent, green forest. There are stories out there. Great imaginings. And a bobcat or two. Yes, the leaves are still green, but Fall tickles. She's out there and she's coming for an embrace.

I had mentioned to the songwriter Michael Snow that I love days like these. You can make your own colors. He liked that. I must remember to tell him that I got it years ago from an exchange between the poet Dylan Thomas and novelist Lawrence Durrell. Durrell was living in Greece and he wrote Thomas urging him to come and work in the sun, if you will. Thomas demurred, stating that if he went to Greece he would do nothing but sit in the sun, whereas in dark, gloomy England he could create his own colors.

I finished a new song last week and I quite like it. I was laughing through most of the work. It was a delightful ride. There will be more about it when I have a demo recorded. I can't afford a studio band so it's just gonna be me and the Guild. I think that will serve.

My last new effort is posted on my web site, an MP3 of a duet called SUNNY SKIES. Quite a departure for me. And yes, those are real steel drums. This is Nashville. Some of the greatest musicians in the world live here and you can find someone to play almost any instrument known to man, and some known only to the Balzaconians from Balzor. As a matter of fact, I believe that a few of these guys may very well be Balzaconians. I have a certain upright bass player in mind.

A literary agency in New York responded positively to my query about the book. They asked for a copy, and I sent one. They've had it for six weeks. I'm told by a friend in the publishing business that this is normal procedure. It could be another month before I hear from them. My friend adds that this is the time of the year when the big publishing houses are concentrating on the actual printing and distribution of new titles for the Fall and Holiday seasons. No one is really looking for anything new right now. He advises that a follow-up email at the end of this month would not be out of place. I'll do that.

Hello to "old friend" Joan.
And that's it. D